China Europe freight train (Wuhan) opens up a new channel for “iron rail intermodal transportation”

The X8017 China Europe freight train, fully loaded with goods, departed from Wujiashan Station of Hanxi Depot of China Railway Wuhan Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Wuhan Railway”) on the 21st. The goods carried by the train departed through Alashankou and arrived in Duisburg, Germany. After that, they will take a ship from the port of Duisburg and go directly to Oslo and Moss, Norway by sea.

The picture shows the X8017 China Europe freight train (Wuhan) waiting to depart from Wujiashan Central Station.

This is another extension of the China Europe freight train (Wuhan) to Nordic countries, following the opening of a direct route to Finland, further expanding cross-border transportation routes. The new route is expected to take 20 days to operate, and the use of rail sea intermodal transportation will compress 23 days compared to full sea transportation, significantly reducing overall logistics costs.

At present, China Europe Express (Wuhan) has formed an inbound and outbound pattern through five ports, including Alashankou, Khorgos in Xinjiang, Erlianhot, Manzhouli in Inner Mongolia, and Suifenhe in Heilongjiang. The logistics channel network has realized the transformation from “connecting points into lines” to “weaving lines into networks”. Over the past decade, the China Europe freight train (Wuhan) has gradually expanded its transportation products from a single customized special train to public trains, LCL transportation, etc., providing enterprises with more transportation options.

Wang Youneng, the station manager of Wujiashan Station of China Railway Wuhan Group Co., Ltd., introduced that in response to the continuous increase in the number of China Europe trains, the railway department continues to optimize the transportation organization of trains and dynamically adjust the operation process. By strengthening communication and coordination with customs, border inspection, enterprises, etc., and timely coordinating the allocation of empty trains and containers, the station has opened a “green channel” for China Europe trains to ensure priority transportation, loading, and hanging.

Post time: Aug-23-2024